Saturday, December 27, 2008

break so far!

okay, so i just wanted to get started on this. rather than talking about my day in blogs, lame. but yeah 2nd week of break. not too shabby. really fun for the most part (: ive been loving life at this point, and living life with no regrets. so my first week of break consisted of coldness and global warming much -___- ha, but really that week started off all good! spotlight ladies/showchoir performances left and right! elshaddai choir and youth christmas party was really fun, with evryone there just making it wonderful! and then there was my last hollywoodmusic 2 performance, really gooddd! so then that weekend i found out that i got goood grades, BABAAA, but with the weighted grades, itd be AABAAA :D im pretty much satisfied with that! and so that weekend started off everything all good. good feelings and intentions with everything and everyong around mee. then came monday, chilled all day. preparing gifts and shopping! then i found out im going to a retreat in julian on jan 30! pretty cool. & so tuesday, i think was the day i continued with everything, just relaxing, enjoying life. and the week was just all chill, hangouts with jacklyn, jacy & the fong famillly (: and then that saturday, we had the potluck for the performance! prettty cool being with evberyone, knowing itd be the last time :(

hmmm, ill finish update this, hahah.

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